Adithya Vijay

JavaScript in the DOM

Introduction There are three things associated with working with JavaScript Window Document DOM 1. Window: It is the global scope. let a = 1; is actually window.a a attaches itself to the...

Debugging JavaScript

Introduction We debug our code irrespective of the language it is written in, so that we can find and fix errors. Fixing bugs is a very good learning path to dive deep into something and figure out...

JavaScript Basic Concepts

Introduction We structure the web using HTML and style it using CSS. We use JavaScript to power the web with scripting. JavaScript is a powerful scripting language that allows us to create dynamic...

C# Basic Concepts

Introduction C# is a statically-typed programming language, meaning everything will have a type at compile-time. When we assing a value to a name, it is called as defining a variable. We can define...

Basics of C# Programming Language

Introduction C# is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It enables developers to build applications that run in .NET. This brings the question, what is .NET? .NET is the ...

Deploying a static website to Docker

Introduction Most of us are familiar with virtual machines, you have an entire operating system and all the necessary programs (basically a full computer), but it’s virtual. Docker is even smaller,...

Deploying a static website to IIS

Introduction Let’s discuss on how we can deploy a static website to Microsoft’s web server IIS (Internet Information Services). Here we will be going through the steps to successfully deploy our we...