Adithya Vijay

Azure Functions

Introduction Azure function is an easy way to build the applications you need using simple serverless functions that scale automatically based to meet demand. No need to worry about infrastructure ...

Stock Market Crash of 2008

Introduction In this blog, I’ll try to explain the events that led to the 2008-2009 financial crisis or the 2008 Stock Market Crash. The Great Recession of 2008 The Great recession refers to the g...

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Introduction This blog contains the concepts of Microsoft Azure Fundamentals required to take the AZ-900 certification exam. Cloud Concepts (20-25%) [MODULE - I] Cloud computing is the delivery...

Data Structures and Algorithms in C#

Introduction Abstract Data Type An abstract data type is a class. Data structures are classes that are storing data and acting on it. Classes contain representation of data and operation on data. ...

Basic Authentication

Introduction In this blog, we’ll discuss about how we’ll store passwords in a database, the basics of authentication and jwt tokens. Authentication is verifying that the user is who he says he is. ...

Building the skeleton of an Angular 12 and .NET 6 Application - Part 2

Introduction In this blog, we’ll be looking at how to build the structure of an application with .NET 6 as the backend and Angular 12 as the frontend. This is the second part of the blog where we’l...

Building the skeleton of an Angular 12 and .NET 6 Application - Part 1

Introduction In this blog, we’ll be looking at how to build the structure of an application with .NET 6 as the backend and Angular 12 as the frontend. In addition we’ll be using SQL database and us...

Basics of Stock Market

Introduction In this blog, we will go through the basics of stock market trading/investing. Why Stock Trading? Two of the main reasons to be involved in stock trading are: Trade/Invest your mon...

Smallcase Investing Explained!

Introduction Before getting into smallcase we need to understand the difference between Equity Investing and Portfolio/Basket Investing. Equity Investing Equity investing involves buying the stock...

Mutual Funds

Introduction Mutual funds are a collection of stocks that are managed by mutual fund managers. The mutual fund manager buys and sells stock out of the portfolio of stocks that he/she has created. I...